Sunday Service with Guest Speaker Lena Edmond
Join us this Sunday in worship featuring an array of special guest speakers.
Love Center Ministries 50th Anniversary KICKOFF
Join us as we kick off our 50th year church anniversary. From our humble beginnings in 1972 to the present day we continue to witness the unfolding and fulfillment of the vision of our founder, Walter L. Hawkins here in the city of Oakland and globally. May the work continue!
Love Center Ministries Official Church Business Meeting
Our church business meeting will be held in the Love Center sanctuary immediately following morning service on Sunday, October 30, 2022.
Faith Path
Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Donec sit amet eros. Lorem ipsum dolor. Mauris fermentum dictum magna. Sed laoreet aliquam leo. Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget, elementum vel, cursus eleifend, elit. Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat.